About Michael Sturrock – My Journey from No to Yes

I was raised in Edinburgh Southern before I went off to university. During my studies, and just before the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, I won a place on the EU’s Erasmus Scheme to spend a year studying in Paris. I was always pro-Europe, but being given the opportunity to live, study and work in the French capital solidified my belief that being part of the EU was an invaluable asset.

So, when the Better Together campaign told us that the only way of securing Scotland’s place in Europe was by staying in the UK, I believed them. What’s more, they told us we’d have a new “Union of Equals”. They told us that if we didn’t “leave the Union, we’d lead the Union”.

That was six years ago. Since then, I have been stripped of my EU citizenship and watched in horror as the UK has turned away from our closest neighbours. Brexit is a nightmare. We have a homophobic, xenophobic Prime Minister whose party has presided over cuts to vital services and startling levels of inequality.

I’m in my 20s, and my generation—and increasing numbers across Scotland—want none of it. We want Scotland to flourish as an outward-looking, compassionate, progressive European nation. We know that to solve the biggest problems of the day we have to work in partnership with our EU neighbours. Only independence will allow us to do that now.

Scotsman No deal
No deal on data post-Brexit would be devastating for the economy
The Scotsman, July 2018

Michael Sturrock warns that the UK could lose billions.

Scotsman Inequalities
Inequalities in society were laid bare by the pandemic
The Scotsman, September 2020

"Tackling injustice must be fundamental to the political and economic policies of recovery, writes Michael Sturrock."

National launch
Michael Sturrock: I'll take Holyrood seat for SNP after moving from No to Yes
The National, September 2020

"A NO voter who has moved to Yes is hoping to oust Labour rebel Daniel Johnson in Edinburgh Southern at next year's Holyrood election."

Scotsman Launch
Former No voter bids to become SNP candidate in Edinburgh Southern
The Scotsman, September 2020

"A FORMER No voter who was converted to the cause of independence is bidding to stand for the SNP in Edinburgh Southern at next year’s Scottish Parliament elections."

Scotsman Knowledge economy
Michael Sturrock: Data is the key to growing a huge knowledge economy
The Scotsman, October 2018

As delegates convene in Glasgow for the last day of the SNP conference, discussions on the development of the ­Scottish economy have dominated the agenda.

Scotsman EU opportunity
Michael Sturrock: EU offers gold mine of opportunity
The Scotsman, March 2016

ASK your average young person what the EU means to them, and they'll most likely tell you to please leave them alone. Indeed, a report commissioned by the EU last year initially showed support and appreciation of the EU by young people across the vast majority of policy areas.

Edinburgh News Launch
Former No voter bids to become SNP candidate in Edinburgh Southern
The Scotsman, September 2020

"Brexit and growing levels of inequality left him “more and more disillusioned with the status quo” and he joined the SNP in October 2018."

Holyrood GDPR
It would be a mistake to see new privacy rules as a hindrance
Holyrood Magazine, March 2018

Despite the rapidly approaching implementation date of the EU’s GDPR legislation, only 29 per cent of companies (including third sector organisations) claim they are ready for GDPR.

Talk Radio
Michael Sturrock, Party Conference Season
talkRADIO, September 2019

Michael Sturrock takes on Party Conference Season (at 20 Min)

Times Radio
Michael Sturrock, Brexit's Impact on Digital Economy
Times Radio, September 2020

An early but enjoyable start running through the business headlines with @james_lewer
on @TimesRadio.

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